In 1896 American architect Louis Sullivan aptly wrote that “Form ever follows function.” This aesthetic and mechanical credo plays out routinely in personal finance. Every investor has a risk tolerance, a time horizon, and an intended use for their money. This is “function.” Every investment has risk, opportunity, and cost. This is “form.” It is critical, therefore, for you to find an investment advisor who first evaluates your personal situation, and then crafts an investment portfolio that conforms to that function.
While return-net-of-fees is, in many respects, the name of the game long term, several other key indicators provide critical insight regarding the appeal and suitability for particular investments. The advisors at Vision Financial are fond of “opening the black box” with any investment you consider, providing education and counsel, and helping you to examine the risk, opportunity, and cost in black and white, so you are comfortable with what you’re doing.
The result is an action plan for you that covers all the bases and fits with your individual goals, complementing what you’ve already accomplished.